How We Pray
How many times have we all said, “There but by the Grace of
God am I”? It’s as American as apple pie. We hear it and we say it and we
convince ourselves that this “prayer” is what religion, or worse, Christianity,
is all about. Nothing could be further from the kind of faith Jesus proclaims.
Then there is the kind of prayer that says, “Please God,
make sure there is no traffic between here and there so I will be on time!” Or,
“Please God, find me a parking space!” And of course the related, “Thank you,
Lord, for clearing out all the traffic AND finding me a parking space!”
I know about these kinds of prayer, I said them last night
trying to get to Bethesda from Havre de Grace in time to set up and play!
Jesus appears to have anticipated all of this and stops
along the way on his journey to Jerusalem and the Cross to do some teaching on
prayer. First, the lesson on persistence with the widow seeking justice from a
judge who has no regard for God or for others. This judge does not get the
essence of the Great Commandment: to Love God and to Love your Neighbor as
yourself. He is completely stuck on loving himself and himself only. Others be
Then comes an episode featuring a Pharisee and a Tax
Collector. It is a lesson on how to and how not to pray for oneself so that you
may have regard for both God and others – all others, even the seemingly most
unlikely others imaginable.
The Pharisee essentially prays the “There but by the grace
of God am I!” He prays this in the extreme: I am so good. I follow all the
commandments. I go even further than commanded. I am exemplary in my living in
God’s way. Not like this wretched Tax Collector who collaborates with our
oppressors and defrauds our own people day in and day out! Thank God I am not
like him!” One notes that Jesus does not commend this sort of prayer.
We may as well admit it. In this highly politicized and polarized
campaign season this is about all we hear from all sides. It’s as if we try to
convince ourselves that our way is the only way, all others need not apply.
Yet, the story recognizes that the Pharisee is not a bad man. His chosen way of
life is in fact admirable. He suffers from just one blind spot: he sees the
world as being about him without having any regard for all others, especially
those who, like the Tax Collector, seem to be the worst of the worst. The
problem, the sin, is in the assumption that we know better and are better than
anyone else. We begin to be unjust judges like the one in the previous episode.
The Tax Collector, on the other hand, cannot even lift his
head in prayer. He beats his breast. He is anguished as he says, “God, be
merciful to me, a sinner.” He knows he could be better. He knows what others
think of him as he props up the very regime that oppresses his people. But he
needs to put food on the table. He has a family to care for like the others. He
did not ask for this life, he was recruited by the minions of Caesar, and in
Rome, Caesar is God. His plea is one of a humble request for mercy. All he
wants is mercy even though he cannot bring himself to believe he deserves it.
“I tell you, this man went down to his home justified rather
than the other; for all who exalt themselves will be humbled, but all who
humble themselves will be exalted,” concludes Jesus. [Luke 18:9-14] Once again,
as with the widow, it is about justice in this world, not the next. We used to
talk about Jesus turning the world upside down. His people, the Jewish people,
however, have a saying about this: tikkun olam – repairing the world, or turning
the world right side up!
We are to notice that this is how the Good News of Jesus
according to Luke begins with the Song of Mary, Theotokos, the Mother of God: “He
has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. He has brought down
the powerful from their thrones, and lifted up the lowly; he has filled the
hungry with good things, and sent the rich away empty…” [Luke 1:39-56]
One day while standing at Paul’s Place, our diocesan soup
kitchen, with the Reverend Bill Rich, as we looked out upon that large room
with street people, poor people, lonely people, hobos and all sorts and
conditions of men and women, Bill said, “There by the Grace of God am I.” It
was a moment of clarity for me. This is what Jesus is talking about. Loving our
neighbor begins with breaking down the walls, assumptions and misunderstandings
that separate us and acknowledging our common human conditions. We are all in
this together and need to acknowledge this. I am the homeless person. I am the
hobo. I am hungry.
Prayer, then, is about approaching God in complete humility acknowledging
our short comings and calling upon God’s mercy rather than needing to put down
others to feel justified. For it is God who justifies, not we ourselves by what
we do or say – God can deal with all of us or none of us. We are called to
reorient ourselves to the way of God’s inbreaking kingdom, not to assert the
ways of this world, our world, my world, as the only way.
Perhaps one of the earliest prayers in Christendom, coming
from the desert fathers around the fifth century is The Jesus Prayer. It is the
prayer of the Tax Collector.
“Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”
There are those who spend a lifetime praying this prayer
with the persistence of the widow in our other story. Standing in line at the
bank or the supermarket checkout, one can say this to oneself over and over
again. Instead of praying for a parking space or less traffic, just say this
simple prayer that seems to exemplify just what Jesus commends about the Tax
Collector and his prayer. Notice that Jesus does not commend his actions or his
lifestyle, but rather his attitude in prayer that is totally self-deprecating.
Oddly this is a way of loving ourselves, our true selves, and makes it possible
to love our neighbor – any and all neighbors.
There by the Grace of God am I. It’s that simple. Seeing
ourselves in the other is the beginning of wisdom, and wisdom is the root of
Love. With Love Tikkun Olam becomes a reality – we participate in the repair of
the world. A world in desperate need of repair. It begins with us, and How we
pray makes all the difference.
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