Saturday, March 7, 2020

When You Gonna Wake Up

Wake Up!
This week it is back to “In the beginning….” Which is how the Fourth Gospel begins, echoing Genesis 1. John 3:1-17 takes us back to the beginning: whether in Genesis 1 and 2, or The Wilderness Sojourn with Moses and the Grumblers.

Nicodemus is a Pharisee who comes to Jesus in the dark of night to get come clarity on just “Who is this guy anyway?” Echoing Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid! Nic is looking for answers. Jesus responds by going back to the beginning. We are made of water and breath…and a handful of dust. Nic is perplexed by this. Jesus says you need to be born from above…or again, depending on how one translates this. Which is the basic message of all spiritual directors, gurus and retreat leaders, and basically means, “Wake Up!” That is, we are all sleepwalking through life. Who has time to Wake Up and remember we are water, breath and dust? We are stardust, we are golden, we are billion-year-old carbon, and we’ve got to get ourselves back to the garden! Nic remains perplexed. The Spirit/Wind/Breath of God comes from we know not where, and blows where it wills. Let it enliven you and wake you up so you can see.

Jesus then reassures him, I am not here to Judge the world but to save it and love it, rescue and repair it. Judging results in separation; separation implies judgement. My efforts are focused on love for the world – literally in the text, love for the kosmos, all of creation and everything therein. And helping you to see that the kosmos is a unified whole. You are one with the kosmos and the kosmos is one with you. Join me in my efforts to save, to repair and to rescue the kosmos and everyone and every thing therein. The storyteller John cannot imagine everyone, all of us, wanting to join with him in his work to reconcile all things and everyone. We do all the separating ourselves. Wake up!

Just as your GPS suddenly says, “Recalculating,” Jesus suddenly shifts from creation to the wilderness sojourn and talks about Moses lifting up a snake on a pole. Surely Nic and his Pharisee companions remember this episode. The people wandering in the wilderness with Moses are hungry. They grumble. The Lord of Mercy apparently does not like grumbling and sends firey snakes who bite them on the heel and they die. Moses fashions a bronze snake and puts it up on a pole and instructs the people to look up at the bronze snake whenever they get bit on the heel. They do and are saved. To look up at the snake is life, is rescue, is healing. It helps to know that seraphim are firey angels who exist as flames of fire. As such they are messengers of God. Yet, here they are biting the people on the heel. This is all very odd to be sure

It’s an analogy about the Cross. Storyteller John wants us to see that looking up at Jesus on the Cross will save us, rescue us, and restore us to follow Jesus in rescue and repair of the kosmos! As with the bronze snake, looking up at Jesus on the Cross means life. It’s a wake up call. But the analogy makes Jesus the Bronze Snake, which somehow rehabilitates the original snake in the garden. Yet, what does this make Jesus? Does he bite and kill? Does he lie like the snake in the garden to get the Mother of Life to eat what is not hers to eat? Or, is he testing the people of God as Jesus was tested in the wilderness? Wake up!

Then comes a statement. Is it from John or from Jesus? The text itself is not clear. But it has been emblazoned on placards at football and baseball games and begins, “God so loved the kosmos that he gave….” Which is an indication of God’s character: God loves and God gives. We are made in God’s image, God’s character.  We are to love and to give. And what we are to love is the kosmos- the world, all of creation. Not the Church. Not a party. Not a system. We are to love the world and everything therein. And what God gave for the world was significantly more than 10%! God gave it all, God’s whole self for the world that God loves. How much are we willing to give to show our love for the world, the kosmos, the totality of Creation, all that is – seen and unseen? Maybe if we get our act together people like Nicodemus, Butch and the Kid, will look back at us and ask, “Who are those guys?” It’s the dark of night. We’re looking for answers.
Wake up!

“Wake up, and strengthen what remains and is on the point of death…”
Revelation 3:2
God don't make promises that He don't keep
You got some big dreams baby, but in order to dream you gotta still be asleep.
When you gonna wake up, when you gonna wake up
When you gonna wake up strengthen the things that remain ?

Counterfeited philosophies have polluted all of your thoughts
Karl Marx has got ya by the throat, Henry Kissinger's got you tied up in knots.

You got innocent men in jail, your insane asylums are filled
You got unrighteous doctors dealing drugs that'll never cure your ills.

Adulterers in churches and pornography in the schools
You got gangsters in power and lawbreakers making rules

Do you ever wonder just what God requires ?
You think He's just an errand boy to satisfy your wandering desires.

You can't take it with you and you know that it's too worthless to be sold
They tell you, 'Time is money' as if your life was worth its weight in gold.

There's a man up on a cross and He's been crucified
Do you have any idea why or for who He died?

When you gonna wake up, when you gonna wake up
When you gonna wake up and strengthen the things that remain ?

                        -Bob Dylan, Copyright © 1979 by Special Rider Music

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