What Kind of King
Have We?
It is Christ the King Sunday. The final Feast of Jesus in
the Liturgical Year. Next week we will begin all over again with Advent. So in
a sense this is the final word on who our Jesus is. And where do we find our
King? On a Roman Cross of all places [Luke 23:33-43] – to hang until death as a
warning and reminder as to who has the Power; who is the Real King; who is the
real God: Caesar.
Yet, we understand true Kingship quite differently. As one
enters the Abbey Church of St Peter and St Paul in Bath, England, a brochure
that asks, Who is Jesus?, states the following:
“Jesus was born in an obscure Middle Eastern town called
Bethlehem, over 2000 years ago. During his first 30 years he shared the daily
life and work of an ordinary home. For the next three years he went about
teaching people about God and healing sick people by the shores of Lake
Galilee. He called 12 ordinary men to be his helpers.
“He had no money. He wrote no books. He commanded no army.
He wielded no political power. During his life he never travelled more than 200
miles in any direction. He was executed by being nailed to a cross at the age
of 33.
“Today, nearly 2 billion people throughout the world worship
Jesus as divine - the Son of God. Their experience has convinced them that in
the wonders of nature we see God as our loving Father; in the person of Jesus
we discover God as Son; and in our daily lives we encounter this same God as
Spirit. Jesus is our way to finding God: we learn about Jesus by reading the
Bible, particularly the New Testament and we meet him directly in our spiritual
“Jesus taught us to trust in a loving and merciful Father
and to pray to him in faith for all our needs. He taught that we are all
infinitely precious, children of one heavenly Father, and that we should
therefore treat one another with love, respect and forgiveness. He lived out
what he taught by caring for those he met; by healing the sick - a sign of
God's love at work; and by forgiving those who put him to death.
“Jesus' actions alone would not have led him to a criminal's
death on the cross: but his teaching challenged the religious and moral beliefs
of his day. Jesus claimed to be the way to reach God. Above all, he pointed to
his death as God's appointed means of bringing self-centered people back to
God. Jesus also foretold that he would be raised to life again three days after
his death. When, three days after he had died on the cross, his followers did
indeed meet him alive again; frightened and defeated women and men became
fearless and joyful messengers.
“Their message of the Good News about Jesus is the reason this Abbey Church exists, here in Bath. More importantly, it is the reason
why all over the world there are Christians who know what it means to meet the
living Jesus, and believe that He alone has the key to human life.
“May your time in the
Bath Abbey Church be a blessing to you, as it is already to us in the
This king of ours still challenges all our assumptions and
understandings of power and meaning and truth. To a criminal hanging nearby on
another cross he says, ‘Today you will be with me in paradise!’ Not tomorrow,
not a month, a year or an eon from now, but today.
For those looking for a description of this paradise of
which he speaks, look no further than the 25th chapter of Matthew’s
gospel which describes a great day of reckoning – as all humanity is divided as
sheep and goats; those who follow his example and those who do not.
When I was hungry you fed me; when I was thirsty you brought
me a drink; when I was naked you clothed me; when I was in prison you visited
me; when I was a stranger you welcomed me. Those listening say, “But when did
we see you hungry, thirsty, naked, in prison or as a stranger?” As you do this
for the least of my sisters and brothers you do this for me.
This is what ‘today in paradise’ looks like. This is what
true kings, real kings, do. Not like the bad shepherds in Jeremiah 23:1-6 who
scatter God’s sheep and do not attend to their needs – that is, do not love
them the way God loves them. “The days are surely coming, says the Lord, when I
will raise up for David a righteous Branch, and he shall reign as king and deal
wisely, and shall execute justice and righteousness in the land.” We are to be
this Branch! We are called to be those people who execute justice and
righteousness in the land. We are to welcome the stranger and meet the needs of
the hungry, the thirsty, the naked and those in prison. This is what it means
to follow Jesus, plain and simple.
Good shepherds, good kings, good people tend those in their
midst, care for those who are strangers, those who are utterly unlike us; bring
people together rather than divide them. This vision of paradise is promised to
us all here and now. Today. Let those who have ears, hear. Let those who have
eyes, see. Come, follow me, says our king, and I will give you rest.
Christ the King. Our king is a funny kind of king, but a
king of kings! A Lord of Lords! And he shall reign forever and ever! May our
time together with him be a blessing to us and to all persons, here, there and
everywhere. Amen.