Keep Your Hand On The
Plow, Hold On (A Parable for our Time)
In chapter 9 (51-62), Luke announces a new direction for
Jesus’s ministry: “When the days drew near for Jesus to be taken up, he set his
face to go to Jerusalem.” The evangelist already knows the outcome of the
events he is about to chronicle. It is as Jesus has outlined to his followers:
there will be conflict with the civil and religious authorities, he will be
executed, he will rise up from the dead and ascend to return to his Father,
YHWH, Allah, the One God of all.
So he turns his face toward Jerusalem – that is, like a
plowman plowing his field, he means to take a direct route, a straight row, to
what he knows is going to be a tough time. His face is set, his mind is set,
his heart is set. And as we see in these two vignettes, nothing is stopping him
now that he has set his way. For all others, either you are ‘on the bus or off
the bus,’ but this bus, like the gospel train, is bound for glory! Glory with a
cost, a very dear cost.
This direct route takes Jesus and his followers through an
inhospitable Samaritan village. His disciples, evoking the image and actions of
the great prophet Elijah, want to rain down fire upon the Samaritans. Jesus says
no. His ‘no’ means, “I am not Elijah, and those are not my methods!” It may
help to know that earlier chapter 9 also raises the question of just who Jesus
is, and his followers tell him that many think he is Elijah, or John the
Baptizer, or one of the ancient prophets. So for a second time Jesus makes
clear just who he is and is not.
As to the Samaritans, they are a place-holder for all those
who have different religious practices than those of the Judeans in Jerusalem.
The Judeans believe sacrifices to YHWH are to take place in the temple in
Jerusalem, while the Samaritans, quite possibly the faithful remnant of the
Northern Kingdom of Israel after the Assyrian captivity, believe God is
worshipped on Mount Gerizim, now near the West Bank town of Nablus. This
dispute had been going on for centuries at the time of Jesus and continues to
this day.
We ought to take careful note that Jesus will have none of
it. That is, he is not concerned with such intramural religious disputes.
Elsewhere he remarks that the day is coming “and now is” when worship of the
One God will take place neither in Jerusalem nor on Mount Gerizim, so keep
moving. Keep your hand on the plow and your eye on the prize.
Besides, in chapters 10 and 17 Samaritans will be shown to
be just as faithful, if not more so, to the purposes of God in the story of the
Good Samaritan and one man out of ten who thanks Jesus for being healed – a Samaritan.
One might say with a great deal of confidence that for Jesus the truly faithful
of any religious tradition are to be respected, even above and beyond the less
faithful of our own tradition. Parse that however you wish, but forbidding free
movement and practice of those who differ from us is not to be tolerated as
Jesus sets his face toward a new way of living in this world with others – all others.
Then there are his retorts to three would-be followers, and
in all truth we are not told what decisions they ultimately made. To the first
he makes clear that to follow him is no walk in the park – ie there are going
to be serious costs to discipleship as Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote and discovered
first hand. To the second and third he is even more harsh: let the dead bury
the dead and go proclaim the coming kingdom of God; there’s no time like Elijah
granted Elisha to go say goodbye to family and friends, keep your hand on the
plow and do not look back.
Again, I am not Elijah and I am not like Elijah, and the
time is now. This journey has begun and there will be no turning back to former
times, former attitudes, or even simple farewells.
As inconvenient as it may be, Jesus is speaking directly to
us – every single one of us. A vision that looks back, not forwards, is doomed
from the outset. First of all, how far back do we go? To prohibition? To before
women could vote? To before Civil Rights? To legalized slavery? To old disputes
over who says potato and who says potahto? To some archaic and arcane notions
that there is only one place or one way to worship, that is to honor with our
lives, the One God of all?
The plow metaphor is a powerful one to be sure. Before
tractors and mechanized farming, which is a relatively recent human
development, there was a man with a plow and an animal, often a horse, donkey,
mule or ox. The reins are looped over the man’s head around his neck, his hands
are on the plow. To plow straight rows, to meet your goal, to get where you are
going literally means keeping your hand on the plow and looking forward, not
back. For when one turns one’s head the animal will turn with you and ruin your
row. If you let go, the animal will wander to and fro, and you will be thrown
to the ground or dragged along with the reins around wrapped around your neck.
Either way is disaster and destruction.
We may allow ourselves to think that this is primitive
stuff, but we would be wrong. This is a parable for our time – and frankly for
all times, which is what makes the Bible so compelling. It is always tempting
to look back instead of moving forward. It is always tempting to say you want
to go forward but not quite yet. It is always tempting to hold onto ancient
disputes rather than plow new ground and plant new ideas, new values and a new
sense of justice and peace for all people while respecting the dignity of every
human being – which is what we promise in our Baptism into following in the way
of Jesus. Jesus, who has set his face toward Jerusalem but as we know went much
further than Jerusalem. He honored and respected the enemy Samaritans. He made
them conspicuous examples of how to really honor God’s vision for humankind.
Fear is a destructive thing in this world. We can fear
others and wall them out, or embrace them like Jesus does. Holding on to the
plow and not looking back means to move forward, not back to whatever we might
convince ourselves was some kind of golden age. Because it wasn’t. Fewer people
enjoyed the freedoms and liberties that more and more people now enjoy.
As Saint Paul, once a persecutor of Jesus’s followers, wrote
to the church in Galatia, “By contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy,
peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and
self-control. There is no law against such things. And those who belong to
Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live
by the Spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit.” (Galatians 5: 24-25) In
the same letter Paul writes,” There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no
longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female.” To which we might
add there is no longer Christian, Muslim or Jew, there is no longer American,
Syrian or Afghan, and the listing can and must go on and on and on. This is the
life of the Spirit.
It is this life in the Spirit to which we are meant to hold
on, not the passions and desires of those who wish to take us off the way of
Jesus. Keep your hand on the plow, hold
on. Hold on, hold on! Keep your hand on the plow hold on!